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3 Months and Counting…

October 3, 2007


Today, October 3, marks the 3 month countdown until I leave for Africa…until our team leaves for Uganda. That word–team–has become more real to me in preparation for this trip. I am not going to Africa simply to experience a new culture, extend charity to less fortunate individuals, or aesthetically delve into new sights, tastes, sounds and smells; I am primarily going to be a team-member; a part of a whole; a unit of the body of believers in Christ Jesus. This has helped shape my goals for the trip, beforehand and during our travels.

Already, it has been neat to meet once a month and watch as various giftings are being used to strengthen the team: creative, administrative, wisdom, discerning, joy, servanthood…as all of these strengths and weaknesses and personalities mix into the melting pot, it has begun to unify our team and give us excitement to GO and be used by God. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, but the God who provides grace and equips His children with His Spirit’s power is greater than even the whole unit working together. In this way, we are even now praying together as a team for dependence.
One way we have sought to build unity into our team is through a collective project–a T-shirt Fundraiser, which will begin next Friday night at the CLC Singles meeting. Next month, we will bashfully trudge into the doctor’s office for our shots, to be administered in all sorts of pleasant, bodily locations! What an adventure that will be! We are also putting on a “Taste of Africa” sampler dinner for the Singles members of our church the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This will be a time in which people can gather, see what our team will be doing, watch video footage, and help support us financially or spiritually as they feel led by God to do. When we began brainstorming about the menu, it was almost comical, as all we could think of were YAMS, YAMS and more YAMS. What DO people eat there? Hmm…so, if you have any ideas for South-East African cuisine, (Nora? Carolyn?) pls. feel free to shoot me an e-mail!

Although I wish I had more time to do this, I have been trying to research Uganda and Kenya lately to ‘get-to-know’ the countries in which I will be staying. Here’s just one small fact that was posted in yesterday’s “New Vision” editorial from Kampala, Uganda:

Today is Paediatric HIV Advocacy Day. Statistics in Uganda show that 25, 000 babies are born with HIV every year and about 110, 000 are living with it.”

As you are well aware, these numbers are only a small representation of thousands who suffer from AIDS in Africa. My prayers go out to these children, and other orphans who may not have AIDS, but experience the same suffering and hopelessness in life on a daily basis. Today, I am specifically asking God that I will be able to touch their lives in some small way while I am there, whether that simply be through making them laugh, bringing a smile to their face, or giving them a gift that will make them giggle with delight.

Check out the picture in the link. Drew Garfield and his team of designers have chosen the 2 on the left as the final choices. Let me know if you want to order a T-shirt! (They will come in Ladies and Mens’ sizes…)

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